Tuesday, May 25, 2010

YDOC Bible Study~ "The Proper Response to the Call: Upload into Your Destiny"

This month we have discussed God’s Kingdom Agenda, His method of using man to expand the kingdom, and how God calls and equips you for your destiny. Tonight we will bring this series to an end with “The Proper Response to the Call.” We know God calls and we know God has a plan for us but what do we do? How should we respond? Read 1 Kings 3:1-15. How does Solomon respond to his new call as King over Israel? What are some of the things we can learn from his actions?

Monday, May 17, 2010

YDOC Bible Study~ The Theology of Avatar

There is a plan and purpose for your life according to the mind of God! You are God's living thought! Everything that God had on His mind concerning you and what you shall become has been placed inside of you! This is similar to what we see in the movie AVATAR when the mind is transferred to the Avatar. As a Christian "Avatar", you must know your assignment and learn the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. There is so much for us to learn as believers and you are called to grow in the way of Christ! Philippians 2:5 says, "Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

YDOC Bible Study~ Prenatal Ordination

There are things we experience after our birth that makes us question the purpose that God has given us before we were even born! There are a lot of young people who are searching for their purpose, who are running from their purpose, and who have spiritually aborted their purpose because of various reasons. The truth is we are a product of the hands, thoughts and mouth of God. Our very existence is not dependent upon what people say, what people do or what people think. As bad as your life may have been or is right now, your purpose and destiny is still attainable! You had your purpose before you were born! Before you ever experience any pain or any negativity, you already had a destiny. You can find and be who you truly are if you connect with God who has the true you! Don't live according to what has happened, live according to what has already been put in place before your very own birth! Stop living a lie and be who you were called to be!!!

Rev. Max

Monday, May 3, 2010

YDOC Bible Study~The Fight 4 You

The Story of Joseph is a wonderful narrative that shows us that we can have dreams but there will be challenges everyday to kill that dream. It wasn't until Joseph had the dream that his brothers kidnapped him, put him in a pit and sold him to the Egyptians. It wasn't until Joseph had a dream that he found himself in a prison! Like Joseph, it wasn't until Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that evil decide to assassinate him. You have a dream, a purpose and a destiny. You are dealing with some things in your life because of that divine calland purpose from God because it’s a "Fight for You!" We are what we dream! We are what we purpose after and the enemy doesn't want you to know who you truly are and does not want you to fulfill your destiny! IT’S A FIGHT FOR YOU!!! Share some of your experience with adversity. What kind of things try to hinder you and keep you down?