Tuesday, June 22, 2010

YDOC Bible Study~ Dear Summer: Ending the Summer Time Pattern

Summer time is here!! It’s getting hot!!! We all know what happens when the weather gets hot! People you didn’t see all year just pop up all of a sudden. People are comfortable wearing less clothing. People are out in the streets longer. During the summer time, you can count on more parties and with more parties you will encounter more people, more drinking, more drugs and more temptations! I don’t know about you, but the summer times used to be the hardest time of the year for me in my walk with God. It just seemed harder to say no, stay away and ignore some things and some people. I developed a pattern of sin and bad habits during the summer time. Do you share this experience? Do you experience a letdown of your guard and standards during the summer? Share your experiences and where you are at now? Where would you like to be this summer? What do you suggest to those who struggle during the summer? Post your comments. Then come back and continue reading.

The summer time is tough, but we have biblical principles and divine power to withstand temptations. The summer time is not exempted from and does not limit the truth of God’s word when it says, “Greater is He that is in you” (1 John 4:4) or “God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear” (1 Cor. 10:13). You can give God glory during the summer time! So much is lost and destroyed during the summer time and we live the rest of the year and sometimes our lives fighting or coping with the consequences of sin from the summer. It is time my brothers and sisters to change the pattern of our summer time experiences and create new patterns and new behaviors that will give God glory!! It’s time for you to let the summer time passions go, so write summer a letter letting summer know that you can’t do it anymore!! Dear Summer…..post the rest!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Youth and Adults alike find themselves in relationships and the relationships that they find themselves in are not what they think. The people we encounter on a “relationship” status are not who they say they are or portray themselves to be. If we are honest, we find ourselves changing to become what others want us to be. A lot of us loose our true selves in relationships. A lot of us get hurt by deception in relationships. We leave and come back again, why? They lied to you, cheated on you, talked about you and you go right back to them after they have clearly shown you no love and/or commitment, so what are you seeing? What are you really looking for? Share your experience.