Wednesday, October 12, 2011

YDOC Bible Study ~ "When Life TEARS You Up" Psalm 61

You seem down. Are you okay?
No, life is really tearing me up!

I understand. Life is always full of the unexpected. It brings unexpected joy, happiness, sadness, pain, fears, doubt, faith and love. It’s easy to go through life when life seems to cooperate with you, but what does one do when life seems to be your worst enemy? When life seems to have your address and it express mails betrayal, lies, deceit, death, pain, and chaos to your door? What do you do when the bitter side of life rings your doorbell, when the downside of life decides to tear you up? How do you deal with life at provokes tears?

Can I read you something?


I just want to share this scripture with you.

Scripture? That can’t help me right now! Give me a page, so I can wipe my tears!

Okay, here is one:

Psalm 61
For the choir director; on a stringed instrument. A Psalm of David.
1 Hear my cry, O God;
Give heed to my prayer.
2 From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

I need that right now…..

I know, but check this out. David remembers what God did for him before and makes a request for his present situation:

3 For You have been a refuge for me,
A tower of strength against the enemy.
4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever;
Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah.

I don’t think God cares about my tears… I feel alone on this one.

“No, never alone.” There is a benefit of being a believer. Look”

5 For You have heard my vows, O God;
You have given me the inheritance of those who fear Your name.
6 You will prolong the king’s life;
His years will be as many generations.
7 He will abide before God forever;
Appoint lovingkindness and truth that they may preserve him.

I really don’t feel that way right now.

Your “right now” doesn’t have to dictate your “shall be”. Here’s the last verse:

8 So I will sing praise to Your name forever,
That I may pay my vows day by day.

When life tears you up, David lets us know that we can bring our prayers, concern and tears to God. There is nothing that you can’t talk to God about. He cares about every intimate detail of your life. God is not so divine and transcendent that God doesn’t sympathize and has compassion for you’re going through. As much as God is God, God is our father, mother, friend, supporter and love!

Who do you bring your tears to when life tears you up?

My friends, if they are available; my boo, and sometimes I even try some things to make me feel better and just forget everything.

Like what?

Hmmm….nothing. Never mind.

I encourage you to consider God. God is the only one that can take your tears and interpret your tears effectively to meet your needs. Some people will see you cry and not know why or understand. There are times when you yourself can’t articulate what or how you feel, but you are still in need of an understanding heart to give you the help you need. God is the only one that can read your tears and touch your heart.

Well, I have a lot of tears!

Well, God can handle your tears. God’s hands hold the oceans and the seas. God can certainly handle your tears. He will never fail you. Trust God with you tears.

When life tears you up and you feel like you are at the edge of sanity and you are on the shaky ground of instability, you can find a firm foundation in God.

Well, I can’t find my way out through these tears! How can I find God when I have an ocean of issues streaming down my face?

“When you can’t find your way out my friend, you can follow your way out.” Through the tears remember the WORD of the Lord and follow God through God’s WORD. Like the David in verse 2b, one song writer said, “When my heart is overwhelmed, I’m asking, ‘lead me to the rock.’ Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I, oh Lord, higher than I.” When you can’t find your way, God will grab your hand and lead you to a rock. When your world is shaking all around you and you can’t seem to keep a good footing on our faith, hold on to God’s hand and God will lead you to a rock that’s higher than the attitude your sorrows and problems have you. The rock is what you are in need of when life appears shaky. You need a rock that is impenetrable when your life feels fragile. You need someone and something that is higher and greater than you to get you through when you can’t get yourself through! You need a rock! The good news is you don’t have to go far to get to the rock because the God is the rock. God will never lead you to anything, anyone, or anywhere but to God’s self. GOD IS YOUR ROCK!

WOW! So you are telling me that God can not only handle my tears, but God can interpret my tears to see my real need and when my world is upside down and “I feel like I’m close to the edge” and I feel like I’m losing my head God can be my rock in a weary land?

Yup! “God will do exceedingly and abundantly…” Just Trust God, Follow God and Stand on God’s WORD!

But, also when you feel like life is tearing you up and you don’t know what to do, remember what God has done for you and ask God for an encore! Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” If God kept you before, God can keep you again! Just tell God, “Can I get an ENCORE!” God I want more! God I need you again! God is what and who you need! He is a tower of strength, a refuge in a time of trouble and he has a place that is design for only his children to abide, under God’s wings of safety! Like the mother hen covering and protecting her chicks, God will cover you with God’s divine wings. You have a feather called prayer, another for fasting, another for worship and another for studying God’s WORD. You are protected and sustained by the wings of God! God did it before; God will do it again and again and again!


You see you got it! You are starting understand what David is talking about in verses 5-7. There is a benefit in going through with God! Don’t go through life with your tears by yourself. Believe in God and trust God with your tears! Follow God when you can’t hear him yet feel him. Like an employee of a company who is entitled to certain benefits, you, the believer, are entitled to divine benefits! God will be your keeper! That’s a benefit! God will be your rock! That’s a benefit! God will be your refuge and protector! That’s a benefit! God will never leave you nor forsake you! God is always on your side! That’s a benefit!

YES! YES! YES! I LOVE ME SOME BENEFITS! You, know there is a difference in having Jesus on your side and in your life! We all go through, but “through” for Christians should be different! You know what?

What’s that?

My situation hasn’t changed yet, but it’s starting to look different now. It’s amazing how you can see God in the midst of your tears! It’s amazing how you can see God in the dark places!

YOU GOT IT!!!!! So now, I found you with your hands up, all ready to surrender and you were half right. But don’t surrender to your problems or your tears, but turn around and surrender to God. Give your life, your issues, your worries and fears to God. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Surrender everything to God. With your arms raised in a posture of surrender and with tears in your eyes worship through! Praise through! Glory God through!