Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Online Bible Study Feb. 2, 2010 Summary of Sin

For the past month or so we have been discussing the doctrine of sin and we have been looking at how sin played out in King David's life particularly looking at the narrative of his dealings with Bathsheba and Uriah in 2 Samuel 11. Write a summary of what we have discussed concerning the doctrine of sin and what we learned from King David in 2 Samuel 11. Give some of your own insight and give your experience with resisting sin. Post your summary for comments. We will review all posts and comments on Feb. 9, 2010.


  1. Sin is like a life-long chess game with the devil in which you have to be careful where you place your pieces and yourself lest you wind up on a rooftop in the right-wrong place. You may not notice that a rooftop is before you until you're on it but God puts them in your path for a reason and it's up to you to make sure that you don't fall or jump off and surrender your king.

  2. That was a great comment Morgan. We do find ourselves on rooftop situations. King David had his with Bathsheba and he fell into sin when he saw her and then sought her from the roof. I had many rooftop experiences some I resisted and some I fell from. I learned a lot about myself at those times. I learned what areas I was strong in and I learned the areas where I was weak and needed God's strength. The question we all must ask ourselves is, "Is it worth to jump?" What every the choices or decisions that confront us we must ask the question is it worth the jump and what am I truly jumping into?
