Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Responding to Jay-Z

We play songs and sing songs usings words, phrases and ideas not realizing what we are actually saying. How many of us know that in Jay-Z song The Empire State of Mind featuring Alisha Keys, Jay-z in his third verse made the following statement: "Jesus can't save you life starts when the church ends." If you were Alisha Keys what would you have said to Jay-Z concerning your Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ? Would you have finished the song with Jay? Would you have just ignored it and not say anything? Using scripture references and your own experience respond to Jay-z's comments in the song Empire State of Mind concerning Jesus? Go to Blog and make your comments tonight?
Holla Back!
Rev. Max


  1. Well I don't have any biblical scriptures to add at the moment, however I think it's interesting how he can make such a statement when it was God/Jesus who didn't allow him to die when he was selling Coke or being an illegal drug dealer. Although not everyone may like to attend services on church for various reasons, it is still a lack of respect because that is the house of God. Technically, there is nothing emperical about this song if the man is acting like a fool...which he is. Had I been Alicia Keyes, I would have wondered what was going on with him. Sad to say, it brings up the question of how strong her christian experience is if she's willing to sit by and let him say that, all for what? A few bucks that'll eventually weather away. Do all rappers and singers sell themselves out to make a buck? Is money that scare and that dire that we can risk and demean ourselves so low that we don't even acknowledge that Jesus was indeed, the one who saved us? I don't know about Mr. Carter, but if Jesus can't save me than there's no hope.

  2. Luke 9:23 tells us to 'deny yourself', not deny Him. If Jesus can't save you then you're pretty s.o.l. and even those few dollars you earn from this song are useless in the long run.

    If you don't believe me, look at when Jesus was arrested and Peter denied him three times. He didn't realize what he was doing at the time but as soon as he noticed it, he dropped to the ground and repented immediately because he knew that his rep wasn't worth losing the protection and love of God.

  3. Interesting comments... Can anyone give specific biblical references that Jesus can save? Make an arguement against the statement , "Jesus can't save"

  4. check out this vid about the very same issue. youth pastor justin cox gives his opinion on jay z's verse:

