Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good Posture for Good Reception

Read Exodus 3:1-10

What do you do when your cellular phone is experiencing bad reception? Some move to another area, walk around in circles, and wave their phone side to side, and some try to even position themselves in a better area if they are in a building. Well, that is similar to our reception and communication with God. We must place ourselves in a spiritual posture that will allow us to have good reception, so that God can speak and we may hear Him. We have too many things in our lives that hinder our reception. Some of our friends, activities we participate in and certain lifestyles hinder our reception with God. We have to remove some of these obstacles and posture ourselves in prayer, reading God's word, fasting, scripture mediation, holiness and worship, so we might hear from God. God wants to speak to us. God wants to reveal who He is, His heart, His Will and His plan and purpose for us. Take time this week and strive to posture yourself to hear from God!

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