Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Experiences That Impact Our Lives

Do you know why you do what you do and why you are the way you are?

“The greatest choice you will ever make is your identity. Here is a critical question: Who or what shapes your life? In other words, whose image are you going to embrace as your true identity? I have shared four options: pain, people, parents, and possessions. You are faced with each one of these options every day. In fact, the reason I chose these options is the powerful impact they have in the lives of most people. “– Image to Likeness by Terry Warr

This is true. Pain, people, parents, and possessions shape our lives every day. One could even add one’s past to this list. Sometimes we identify ourselves by what we’ve done, places we’ve been and things we’ve said. These things have had an impact on not only our own lives, but others as well. How you define yourself is very important. Today, we identify ourselves by a lot of things, yet they are not the things that truly empower our lives and it is not the things that truly reflect who we are and who Dad (God) has created us to be. Our choices, relationships, attitudes, lifestyles, and aspirations would dramatically change if we had Dad as the primary influence on our lives. Our identity should not be determined by what we have done, what people say about us or have done to us, or what we have or what they think we should be. Our identity rest on who Dad is, who Dad says we are, and what we know about ourselves by knowing who Dad is in our lives.

As a military child, I had a military I.D. as a dependant because my privileges on the military base were “depended” upon who my mother was in the military. With this military I.D., I had certain rights and privileges. I was able to get on and off of the military base, go to all the stores and buy anything and I was permitted to participate in all of the events. If I didn’t have my I.D. or know who I was and used my I.D. that was based upon my mother being in the military, I would lose out on various privileges and my rights could be potentially violated. What I am saying is this: knowing who you truly are as Dad’s creation, created in the image and likeness of Dad, allows you to exercise your kingdom rights and privileges here on earth. The things you allow to limit you, would not limit you, if you really knew who you are. The people you allow to take advantage of you and the negative words they say about you that you allow yourself to live by, you wouldn’t live by if you know who you truly are. Get to know Dad today! Get to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! You are not identified by people or things, but you can be Christ-identified with kingdom privileges with Christ as KING!

Rev. Max

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