Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Makeup Do You Wear??

― Well, it is not my acting. I have been told countless times that my acting is great. But they say I don’t “look” the part. Most of the good parts go to women who….let’s just say they don’t look like me. So I have been trying different looks to see if I can fit in. To be quite honest with you, I think I am starting to lose myself in the process.‖ Page 33 of Image to Likeness by Terry E. Warr

―Hold your horses, my brother. That is all well and good. But your approach, while it is
noble, would have been the wrong approach. You see, the problem was deeper than the
makeup and the fake stuff. The problem was on the inside. You are concerned with style.
The problem isn‘t style; it is substance. It wasn‘t enough just to tell her to be who she was.
She needed to understand who she was before she could be who she was.‖ Page 33 of Image to Likeness by Terry E. Warr

What makeup do you wear? I know you are not auditioning for a part in a play, but all of us in some way are trying to find our “part” or “role” in life. Like the young lady, we have experienced some things in our journey that has made up believe that our “divine makeup”, how God created us, is not enough and we must put on other “makeup” to try to fit it. Like the young lady, we too have lost ourselves in the process and no longer able to identify the person in the mirror when we look into it. Who are you? Have you lost yourself under the makeup of the world like drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, your past, pain, relationships and disappointments? What makeup are you wearing to gain love, acceptance, happiness, popularity, and success? What things or people are using as the eyeliner of your vision, the concealer of your contentment, and the foundation of your faith? You don’t have to use the makeup that the world has but you can use the divine makeup that is already available to you! Post your comments, questions and/or experiences!

Rev. Max
(Get a copy of Image to Likeness at http://www.imagetolikeness.com/)

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