Thursday, July 14, 2011

Living in What You Say-Youth Summer Bible Study #2

Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof
- Proverbs 18:21

Also see:
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh
- Matthew 12:34b
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man
-Matthew 15:18

Have you ever sat in a room with a friend and suddenly someone you don’t like or someone you have a problem with comes into the room and you feel differently now that you see them and now that you are around them? You were just telling your friend how you don’t like this and that about the person and how they made you feel and what you would do or say to them if you saw them and then they popped right up. Now your mood changes and now you’re frustrated, mad or sad.

There are times when great teams lose games they could have won. One of the reasons why I believe that Pau Gasol wasn’t able to perform at his highest level in the 2011 NBA Finals is because of how he spoke about the game, the Dallas Mavericks and especially his opponent Dirk Nowitzki. Pau Gasol is an excellent player, but when matched up against Dirk Nowtizki and the Dallas Mavericks his swag and confidence was on ZERO! Interestingly enough, I heard an interview where he spoke extremely highly of Dirk Nowtizki which is okay to do once the battle is over. He gave a lot of credit to Dirk Nowtizki as if he couldn’t be stopped before the series was even over and he played out the very thing he spoke, thus losing the championship.

SO what’s your point Rev. Max!?

The Bible says that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” We really don’t understand that we create and destroy things with our mouths. We are created in the image and likeness of God and we have been given the power of God from God through the Holy Spirit to have dominion and authority on earth giving life or summoning death to a thing or idea. Don’t you remember in Genesis, God caused life to exist by words? God has given us that same power residing in our own mouths and we sometimes misuse that power and authority to sabotage our own lives.

We must realize that we can have happier, more fruitful and loving lives if we change how we talk and what we talk about. Sometimes the defeat we experience is the defeat that we spoke right out of our own mouths. The negativity that we experience is the negativity we spoke concerning the day while we were getting ourselves together in the morning. We sometimes claim that we don’t like certain people and we don’t know why, but could the answer be possibly found in your conversation and thinking about that individual? Why are you depressed? Why do you dislike yourself? If you want to change how you feel about yourself then change the way you think and talk about yourself. We are victims of our own tongues.

If you want to have a different experience in your life, church or even school then change how you talk about those things. You have to stop setting yourself up to walk in awful experiences that come as a result of your words. Like the man in the picture above we live in our words so don’t get stuck in the phone booth of life with bad results that come from what you say. Change your words and you will change your life.

Pray this prayer:

Lord, thank you for the power and authority that you have placed in my mouth. Help me Lord not to sabotage my life with the death that comes from my own mouth. Fill me with Your Word so I may speak Your Word and live in the Life of Your Word. Lord, where I need healing in my life so I can think differently about certain things, please provide the healing so I don’t speak out of my wounds and continue to live an even more pain-filled life. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I speak love, power, joy, peace, kindness, and purpose in my life and I expect change to manifest itself in my life-Amen

Rev. Max

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