Thursday, July 7, 2011

You Have New Strength-2011 Youth Summer Bible Study #1

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it” - 1 Corinthians 10:13 NASB

Have you ever said, “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYONE MORE!!!?” I have you ever felt like what you were facing was more than you could bear by just looking at it or hearing about it? Well I want to encourage you and let you know that when you find yourself facing something a little bigger or more than what you are a custom to, you are not being overtaken, but you are receiving a direct message and revelation from God that you have NEW STRENGTH!

1 Corinthians tells us that God is faithful and when we are going through life and face with temptations and other life challenges God will never tempt us with more than we can bear. It may seem extremely challenging and unbearable, but if you know that God is faithful then you know that you can overcome!

You may say, “Well, that’s not true, I have been through something recently and it was too much to say no to or deal with in the right way.” I will tell you that God knows you better than you know yourself and God’s word is true. “So why did I go through it and why did it overtake me?” I’m glad you asked!

You have to realize that God is consistently faithful. God is not about games or tricks. He has blessed you with the ability to overcome. God is not going to tell you that He has put a certain amount of weight on the bar and then make you lift it to make you fail. No! God doesn’t work like that. You must not panic and give in. You must be faithful to fight as God is faithful to provide strength and a way of escape.

I hear you REVIE REV, but still, why does God allow this!!!?

Listen, if you are experiencing new weight-greater temptations, challenges, and obstacles and you know that God is faithful and true saying He will never give you more than you can bear then that means this new challenge, temptation and /or obstacle is a revelation of your NEW STRENGTH!

God knows His children. God knows what you can take and not take. God knows what you need to bring out the best you that He placed in you Himself. So look at your week. Think about your life. Think about the various challenges you have ahead of you. Does it appear to be a little more than what you are used to??? Well, CONGRATULATIONS! You just moved up another weight class!

God doesn’t want us to stay the same way. You should always expect growth and with growth comes greater challenges. So whatever you are facing you can make it! Whatever you are going through, you are already showing growth by just the mere fact that you are going “through”! If you find yourself stuck in a certain place in life, continue in the strength of the Lord because He is only furthering your spiritual development by requiring more reps than usual. You have NEW STRENGTH!

Pray this prayer:

Lord, I thank you for being faithful. Thank you for knowing me the way you do and for being the best steward over my life. Lord, I trust you with my life and I know you will never give me more than I can bear. Help me to see my new strength that you have given me. Help me to operate in my new strength so I can give you more glory. Teach me Lord to remember that you expect me to grow and with growth come challenges and with challenges it produces more growth. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me and being a keeper and sustainer in my life. Amen!

Tell me about the new challenges you have recently faced. Tell me how this indicates that you have new strength. How is this different from your past challenges? What growth do you see from previous challenges from the ones you presently face by looking at how you want to deal with them now? Post your comments; send an email, or send a message to my Facebook inbox. God Bless!

Rev. Max

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